The Background Check is Confidential. It does not look up your credit rating, your driving record, or your medical history.
It consists of three parts.
The results of the background are confidential. You are entitled to a copy. Simply indicate that you want a copy when prompted during the registration process and it will be e-mailed to you.
What if something shows up during the background check?
“I am now 35 years old, but when I was 18 I was picked up for shoplifting.” As long as the matter does not relate to the safety of the children, it will not prevent you from performing your ministry.
WHAT is needed - (A) background check AND (B) Clearance from Child Abuse Registry
WHEN it is due - On the date of hire or registration in VIRTUS (renewal every 5 years or as deemed necessary). Please read pages 15-17 of the Safe Environment Program for more specific information.