Speaking to Guam journalists a day after his Aug. 15, 2024 installation as the new Archbishop of Agaña, the Most Reverend Ryan P. Jimenez emphasized that each person is important, each person has worth and dignity and is deserving of our love, no matter what their circumstances. Archbishop Ryan was asked what he would say to sinners, non-practicing Catholics, drug addicts, sex addicts or persons who have committed crimes to invite them to the Church. View the short clip at Catholic Radio KOLG's YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXUAffacusY&t=31s
The Holy Father's representative, Rev. Msgr. Giosuè Busti, Deputy Head of Mission to the Apostolic Nuncio expressed congratulations to the Most Reverend Ryan Pagente Jimenez, DD and the faithful of Guam in a post-Communion message during the Solemn Rite of Canonical Possession and Installation of our new archbishop Aug. 15, 2024.
The Catholic Church on Guam rejoices and congratulates the Most Reverend Ryan P. Jimenez who officially became the fourth Archbishop of Agana during a splendid Solemn Rite of Canonical Possession and Installation on the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Thursday, Aug. 15, 2024 at the Dulce Nombre de Maria Cathedral-Basilica in Hagatna. Click here for the beautiful livestream recording: youtube.com/c/AganaCathedralBasilica